The mission of the Deaconess of the Ebenezer Baptist Church is to assist the Pastor and Deacons in carrying out the Ordinances of the Ebenezer Baptist Church; to assist in the spiritual responsibilities of our church and to glorify God through our services to others under the spirituals guidance of the Pastor and Deacons.
Each Deaconess uses her gifts and talents, given by God, to serve the body of Christ for His glory. 1 Peter 4:10 (Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful servants of God’s grace in its various forms.)
As Phoebe, our sister in Romans 16:1-2, a Deaconess of the church at Cenchrea, a helper; she is a gracious, humble, courteous Christian in bringing aid, counsel, comfort and understanding. Ministry responsibilities also include serving the congregation’s needs and promoting family unity through joining the Deacon Ministry in visitations, assisting with baptismal ceremonies, communion service and new member activities. The ministry is also actively involved in the programs and events of other church ministries, particularly the Women's Ministry and Missionaries.