Noah Play
EBC Worship Service
EBC In-Person Sunday School
EBC Online Bible Study
EBC Grief Support Group
Ways to Give to EBC

Welcome to Ebenezer Baptist Church of Woodbridge, VA

Greetings from the EBC family. We are so pleased that God led you this way and our prayer is that you will experience our Lord in a life-changing way.

There are many exciting activities for all ages at EBC. Please review our Monthly Calendar and Ministry Pages during your web visit. Our purpose is to let everyone know of the great happenings within this branch of Zion so that you and your family can join us in the thrill of growing in the Lord as a Family unit.

Take a moment to invite one of your neighbors, a coworker, a friend, or relative to join us for Sunday Worship services or one of the great EBC events we have planned! Click here to send an e-vite!

First time visiting EBC? Thank you for choosing EBC as your place to worship! Click here to read more about what to expect in your visitor's experience with this branch of Zion!

Rev. Dr. Charles A. Lundy, Senior Pastor
Rev. Jacquelyn Lundy, 1st Lady

Ebenezer Baptist Church | 13020 Telegraph Road | Woodbridge, VA 22192 | (703) 494-2669 |

Connect and Participate

Click on one of the areas below to learn more about EBC and its ministries, our service times/locations, or want to get integrated into our weekly communications.

Christian Education

In person Christian Education Ministry classes have been temporarily postponed.

If you have any questions, please contact 1st Lady Jacquelyn Lundy at

For more information about our Christian Education Ministry and to review our list for workshops and classes, click here.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join our weekly Wednesday night Bible Study starting at 7:00pm and participate in a series of biblical lessons that will explore the Gospel of Matthew. You don't want to miss this! For more information, click here.

Fruit of the Spirit Women's Ministry

The EBC Fruit of the Spirit Ministry has prepared a resource for women to empower and enrich their spirts.  Click here to downlaod this ministry book to connect our spirits!  To learn more about our Fruit of the Spirit Women's Ministry, click here.

Follow EBC on Social Media!


EBC Wellness Corner

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, dedicated to highlighting the importance of thyroid health. The thyroid gland plays a vital role in regulating metabolism, energy, and overall well-being. Millions of people are affected by thyroid conditions such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid cancer, many of which go undiagnosed. Regular checkups and awareness of symptoms like fatigue, weight changes, or mood shifts can lead to early detection and effective treatment. Click the link below for more information/p>

New to Zoom?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all EBC services have moved online.  Our Bible Study, Sunday School, and other applicable events will be delivered via Zoom Video Conferening.

Download our Zoom Quick Reference Guide

For quick instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting from either your computer or mobile device click here to download our quick reference guide.

Visit the EBC Photo Gallery

Visit our EBC Photo Gallery to see photos of past EBC events! You can also view our Flickr page for a more extensive gallery.


Noah - April 23

Noah - April 23

Join the EBC Golden Eagles Senior Ministry as they travel to Lancaster, PA to the Sight & Sound Theater to see the play "Noah" on Wednesday, April 23rdCost to attend is $180 (which includes transportation, lunch/dinner, play admission, and gratuities). Click here to download the event flyer for more information.


In-Person Sunday School - 1st and 4th Sundays

In-Person Sunday School - 1st and 4th Sundays

The EBC Sunday School Ministry is inviting you to our in-person Sunday School on the 1st and 4th Sundays of each month starting at 8:30am (EST)!  Click here to download a copy of the flyer to see classroom locations/assignments for your age group.  Want to invite a friend?  Click here to send them an evite today!